– 19 –Tub Gasket and TrimThe dishwasher tub seal prevents water leakage.7KHVHDOLV¿WWHGLQDVHDOFKDQQHOWKDWOLQHVWKHULPof the dishwasher tub.Tub Seal and Trim Removal1. Open the dishwasher door.2. Remove the dishwasher tub seal by graspingone end of the seal to peel it away from the sealchannel.4. Reverse the above procedures to install.NOTE: When installing the tub seal, make sure it isVHDWHGSURSHUO\LQWKHVHDOFKDQQHO5XQD¿QJHUover the seal to make sure it is smooth and even fora proper seal. A correctly installed gasket will haveboth ends of the gasket equally distant from thebottom of the tub.3. Remove the dishwasher trim by pulling the trimstraight off the lip of the tub.Heating ElementThe heating element maintains water temperatureduring the wash and rinse cycles and heats the airduring the static dry cycle.The heater has an approximate resistance value of21 ohms.Operation of the heating element can be checkedby using the service mode (see Service Mode). Allowone or two minutes before opening the dishwasherdoor and note if heat is present.Heating Element Removal1. Remove the outer door panel (see Outer DoorPanel Removal).2. Remove the bottom rack.3. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws, washers,and the access panel.4. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws and lower thewater valve from the front brace.5. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws and lower thejunction box from the front brace.(Continued next page)6. Remove the 6 Phillips head screws and the frontbrace from the dishwasher.Seal ChannelTub SealTrimTub LipFront BraceWater ValveJunction Box