– 23 –Pressure Switch7KHSUHVVXUHVZLWFKLVDQRYHU¿OOVDIHW\GHYLFHmounted on a bracket located under the tub nearthe right front corner. A clear plastic tube (thepressure switch hose) runs from the pressure switch,DURXQGWKH¿OOIXQQHODQGWRWKHVXPS$VWKHGLVKZDVKHUEDVLQ¿OOVZLWKZDWHUWKHDLUpressure in the pressure switch hose increases.Normally, the electronic control regulates theDPRXQWRIWLPHWKHZDWHU¿OOYDOYHUHPDLQVRSHQ,IWKHZDWHU¿OOYDOYHUHPDLQVHQHUJL]HGWKHRYHU¿OOLQJof the basin increases the air pressure in thepressure switch hose causing the pressure switch toopen the circuit to the water valve and energize thedrain pump.Pressure Switch Removal1. Disconnect power.2. Remove the outer door panel (see Outer DoorPanel Removal).3. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws, washers,and the access panel.4. Remove the 2 Phillips head screws that attachthe water valve and the junction box to the frontEUDFHDQGORZHUHDFKWRZDUGVWKHÀRRU6. Disconnect the pink wire from terminal 1, theblack wire from terminal 2, and the brown wirefrom terminal 3.7. Remove the pressure switch hose from thepressure switch.8. Raise the pressure switch to the top of thebracket, rotate the switch 1/4 turn, and removeit.NOTE: When installing the pressure switch, ensurethe switch is fully seated in the bottom of thebracket.5. Remove the 6 Phillips head screws and the frontbrace from the dishwasher.Front BraceWater ValveJunction BoxPressure Switch Hose123PressureSwitchBracket