ControlSettingsO CyclesPOTS &PANS 9.5gal.,63 rain. Rinse-Rinse-Rinse-MainWad_-Rinse-Rinse-RinseForheavilysoiled disl_esor cookwarewith dried-onor baked-onsoils. Everydaydishes may be included.Tiffs cyclewill not removeburned-onfoods.NORMAL 8.0gal.,63 min. Rinse Rinse_MainWashq:_inse-RinseRinseWASH Forloadsof everydaydishes, glassesandcookwarewitl= mediumsoils. NOTE."Many disl_esI_avelightersoil than normal.Choosinga cycle other thanNORMAL WASHwiii saveenergyandwater.LIGHT 6.7gal.,63 min. Rinse Rinse-MainWash-Rinse-RinseWASH Fordisheswith light soils.SHORT 6.6gal.,55 rain. Rinse Main Wasl_Rinseq:_inse-RinseWASH Forquicklywashing loadsof everydaydisheswith mediumsoils that havenot driedoil, su@as loadsconsisting mostlyof glasses.RINSE 3.9gal., 12min. Rinse Rinseq:_inseONLY Forrinsingpartial loadsthat will bewashed later.Do not use detergentPLATE Forwarming cleandishes andserving plates.This cyclewill takeWARMER approximately32 minutes.HOT adds1.5gal.,30 selectedcycle. Rinse-StartSelectedCycleSTART Preheatswashwater to correcttemperature.Make sure the l)ial is at the OFFpositiorLs_' l_atch the door.O Energy OptionsHI TEMP Providesextra heat for best performance,it is used bestWASH with heavily-soileddishes.HEATED Turnsthe dryingheater on for fast drying.This cycle will extendDRY ON the time to your wasl_cycle. Availableon aii wasl_cyclesexceptRINSE ONLY,Addapproximately32minutesto tile cycle.HEATED Shutsoff tile drying heatoptions.Dishesair dry naturallyDRY OFF andenergyis saved.O StartSlowly turn the DiM to the START1)osition. Don't turn it pastthe STARTposiuon,or you could accidentally miss a rinse.There is a time delay between start-up and water 1ill so youwill not hear anywash action right a_cay.iiii iiH!!i ii ,iii iiiiii!i/iiiii_liPhii_/iiii_tii_13