HOW TO LOAD YOUR DISHWASHERThi~ i.s (i rundcmt mixed l~~[ld, th<~ nt~).s[ ({~mttl t>~>cyol~ will hu~~e.Make sure dishes are properly loaded to insure thatwater can reach the soiled surfaces. The wash armin the bottom sprays water up. The tower that risesin the center sends water out over the dishes to washthe items in the upper rack.WATCH OUT FOR THIS.The wash tower rises through the center of the bottomrack during the wash and rinse portions of the cycle.Don’t block it or load tall things next to it. Also, becareful not to let a portion of an item such as a pot ordish handle extend through the bottom rack. This couldblock the wash arm and cause poor washing results.HOW TO LOAD THE TOP RACKThe top rack is best for glasses, cups and saucers.Cups and glasses fit best along the sides. This is theplace for dishwasher-safe plastics, too. Make suresmall plastic itcms are lodged in tightly so they can’tfall onto the Calrod@) heating element. Arrangestemware so that they cannot move easily. Don’tlet the glasses touch each other.10This rack is ideal for dishwasher-safe plastics. Whenloading, place plastic items along the back and besure that each plastic tumbler is secured over twofingers. This will prevent dislodging; tumbler willnot fall through rack onto heating unit.