We’llBe.There~it~ the ~Urc~2ise Of your new ~~ a~@iartce, rect+ve ~lleassurance that if’you ever need information or assistancefrorn CW, we’11 be there. All you ~av~ tO clo is call—~oll-~ree!../n-HomeRepakservice806-GE-CARESfl@o-a2-273fiAGE consumer Senice professionalwill provide expert repair service,scheduled at a time that’s convenientfor you. Many GE Consumer Servicecompanyoperated locatio~~soffer youservice today or tomorrow, ot-at yourconvenience (’ZOOa.m. to 700 p.m.weekdays,900 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. SatuPclays).C)ur fkctory-tr-ainedtechniciansknow your appliance inside and out-so most repairs can be handlccl in just(~nc visi[,1 !Whatever your question about any GEm~or appliance,GEAnswerCente@informationserviceis availabletohelp. Yourcall—and yourquestion—willbe answeredpromptlyandcourteouslyAnd you can callanytime. GEAnswerCente@serviceisopen 24 hours a day ‘7daysa week.You can have the secure feelingthatGEConsumerServicewillstillbethere after yourwarrantyexpires.Pur-chasea GE contractwhileyourwar-ranty is stillin effectand you’llreceivea substantialdiscount.With a multiple-yearcontract,you’reassuredof fitureserviceat today’sprices.‘relecommuti~ationIlevicefortheI.leafUpon request, GEwillprovide Braillecontrolsfor a varietyof GE appliances,and a brochure to assistin planning abarrier-free kitchen for persons withlimited mobility.To obtain these items,fl-eeof charge, call 800.626.2000.Consumers with impaired hearingor speech who haveaccessto a TDDor a conventionalteletypewritermayCd] 800-T’DD-GEAC(800-8334322)to request information or service.