GE GSD2400L Use And Care Manual
WW~TG—When using thisappliance,alwaysexercisebasicsafetyprecauticms,includingthefol]owing:* usethis appkmce only h’itsintended pMrpose9as youwill find described inthis useam.icareBook..a This dkhwasher mm beproperly installed and locatedinaccordance with theInshUation Instructions beforeit is used. If you did not receivean InstallationIristructionssheetwith your dishwasher,you canobtain one by contactingtheservice location nearest you.—Thisappliance must beconnectedto a grounded metal,permanent Wiring system; or anequipment-grounding conductormust be run with the circuitconductors and connected to theequipment-grounding kxminalor lead of the appliance.—Connectto a properly rated,protected and sized power-supplycircuittoavoidelectricaloverload.e Do notstore or usecf)mbustiblematerials9gasolinew’ K$therflan%lnableVapms adliquids in the vicinity of’this ormy other appliance.@I.Jseonly powder or liquiddetergents or wetting agentsrecommended for use in adishwasher.~ DOnot wash plastic items unlessn]arked “dishwasher safe” or theeq{livahmt.For plastic itemsnotsoIHarkd, check!hcmanufacturer’s@Load lightplastic itemssotheywill not becomedislodgedand drop to the bottomof thedishwasher—theymightcomeintocontactwith the heatingunit and be damaged.T“ minimize the possibility ofinjury.~ When loadingiternsto bewashed:A. Locate sharp items so thatthey are not likely to damagethe door seal, andB. Load sharp kniveswith thehandlesup to reduce the riskof cut-typeinjuries.@Do not touch the heatingelementduring or immediatelyafter use.~ Do not operateyour dishwasherunless all enclosure panelsareproperly in place.@Do not tamper with controls.@Do not abuse, sit on, or standon the door or dish rack of thedishwasher.@Close supervision is necessaryif this applianceis used,byor nearchildren. Do not allow childrento play inside, on or with thisappliance or any discardedappliance. Dispose of discardedappliances and shipping orpacking material properly.Beforediscarding a dishwasher,removethe door of the washingcompartment.@Keepall washingdetergents - –-and wettingagentsout of the =-–reach of children, preferablyin- =5.a Jockedcabinet. Observeall —@f:--warningson containerlabelsto KESYY.avoidp%ona~ injury.@Tominimizethe possibilityofelectric shock, disconnectthisappliancefrom the power supplybeforeattemptinganymaintenance.Note: Turningthe controldial tothe OFF positiondoes notdisconnectthe appliancefromthe powersupply.Werecommendhavinga qualifkd technicianservice your appiiance.w~GmRoGm G4.Sis produced by the chemicalaction within your water heater.It can accumulatein the waterheater and/or water pipes if hotwater has not been used for aperiod of two weeks or longer.HYDROGEN GASISEXPLOSIVE. Topreventthepossibilityof damageor injury,if you havenot used hot water fortwo weeks or more, or moved-.-!iiiw&--.?&a---——IMiw——-mEwMinto a residence in which the hotwater systemmay not havebeenused for some time, turn on allhot water faucetsand allowthemto run for severalminutesbeforeusing any electrical appliancewhich is comected to the hotwater system. This will allowany hydrogengas to escape. Mso,since the gas is tlmable, donot smoke or use an open flameor appliance during this process. |
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