The SYSTEMS MONITOR (continued)DISPLAYLOWWATERTEMPTEMPSENSORWHAT IT MEANSThe water temperature in thedishwasher did not reach theproper wash temperature. Thisis usually caused by lack of hotwater coming from the householdwater heater.The temperature sensor in thedishwasher is not functioningproperly. Dishwasher maycontinue to be used, but it willnot heat water automatically.Before you call for service. Try the cycle again to see if theCode reappears. The dishwashermay correct itself.. Electronic controls can beaffected by outside interference.l Sometimes shutting off the powerto the dishwasher (at the fuse orcircuit breaker) will correct theproblem.. Restore power after about fiveseconds and try the cycle again.l Check the guide for things youcan do to correct the problem.WHAT TO DOAvoid showers or laundry just prior to running thedishwasher. (Use the “DELAY START” feature to startdishwasher when the water heater is up to normaltemperature. ) Adjust household water heater thermostat to120°F. minimumIf LOW WATER TEMP appears nearly every cycle and youknow the water from the household water heater is hot(120°F. or more), call for service.The temperature sensor needs to be replaced. Call forservice.NOTE:You may continue to use your dishwasher. For best resultsadjust your household water heater thermostat to 140”F.10