Installation Preparation – EnclosurePREPARE DISHWASHER ENCLOSUREFigure ATo reduce the risk of shock, fire, or injuryto persons, the installer must ensure thatthe dishwasher is completely enclosed atthe time of installation.• The rough cabinet opening must have a minimumwidth and depth of 24" and height of 34-1/2"IURPWKHÀRRUWRWKHXQGHUVLGHRIWKHcountertop.• The back wall should be free of pipes or wires.• Adjacent cabinets should be square and plumb toHQVXUHDJRRG¿W5HIHUWR)LJXUH$• For a corner installation, allow 2” minimumclearance between the dishwasher and theadjacent wall.• Provide at least 27” in front of the dishwasher toallow the dishwasher door to open fully. Refer toFigure B.0DNHVXUHWKHÀRRULVOHYHOLQVLGHWKHRSHQLQJDQGHYHQZLWKWKH¿QLVKHGÀRRURIWKHNLWFKHQ7KLVZLOOfacilitate removal of the dishwasher at a later datefor service, if needed.• The dishwasher must be installed no more than10 feet from sink for proper drainage.• The dishwasher must be fully enclosed on the top,sides and back.• The dishwasher must not support any part of theenclosure.Figure B2" MinimumCountertopDishwasher27" MinimumClearances:In a corner installation,provide at least 2"clearance between thedishwasher and theadjacent cabinet, wall orother appliance.Provide at least 27" ofclearance in front of thedishwasher.Para reducir el riesgo de choque, incendioo lesión a personas, el instalador sedebe cerciorar de que la lavadora estécompletamente cerrada en el momentode la instalación.ADVERTENCIAWARNING3