6. Re-install the terminalcover (fig. 3.3.9.e).7. In case of externalbatteries, ensure thebattery cable is connectedbetween the batterycabinet and the power unit.(see 3.3.5 / 3.3.6).8. Connect the utility power tothe UPS.9. For a quick start proceedwith section 4.2.1.If parallel-operating units will beinstalled, please proceed withsection 3.4. Otherwise, proceedwith section 4.fig. 3.3.9.ffig. 3.3.9.g5/6 kVA8/10 kVANOTEThe UPS output sockets are live as soon as the UPS is connected to the mains,even if the UPS has not been switched on via the front panel.For 5/6 kVA models an additionalground connection is required (mainground can be removed with the PDU).Connect the UPS case to the nearestavailable ground connection with an8 AWG (10 mm2) copper wire(see fig. 3.3.9.h).fig. 3.3.9.h5/6 kVAmodifications reserved 19 User manual GT Series 5/6/8/10 kVA UPS 1.0 (US)