IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION.READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING. GEAppliances.comWARNING!HOW TO CONNECT ELECTRICITY'RQRWXQGHUDQ\FLUFXPVWDQFHVFXWRUUHPRYHWKHWKLUG JURXQG SURQJIURPWKHSRZHUFRUGFor personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.The power cord of this appliance is equipped with aSURQJ JURXQGLQJ SOXJZKLFKPDWHVZLWKDVWDQGDUGSURQJ JURXQGLQJ ZDOORXWOHWWRPLQLPL]HWKHpossibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance.+DYHWKHZDOORXWOHWDQGFLUFXLWFKHFNHGE\DTXDOL¿HGelectrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded.Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, itis your personal responsibility and obligation to have itreplaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.The refrigerator should always be plugged into its ownindividual electrical outlet which has a voltage, wattageand frequency that match the rating plate.This provides the best performance and also preventsoverloading house wiring circuits which could cause a¿UHKD]DUGIURPRYHUKHDWHGZLUHVNever unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the powerFRUG$OZD\VJULSSOXJ¿UPO\DQGSXOOVWUDLJKWRXWIURPthe outlet.Repair or replace immediately all power cords that havebecome frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not use acord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along itslength or at either end.When moving the refrigerator away from the wall, becareful not to roll over or damage the power cord.USE OF EXTENSION CORDSBecause of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use ofan extension cord.+RZHYHULI\RXPXVWXVHDQH[WHQVLRQFRUGLWLVDEVROXWHO\QHFHVVDU\WKDWLWEHD8/OLVWHG LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV RUD&6$OLVWHG LQ&DQDGD ZLUHJURXQGLQJW\SHDSSOLDQFHH[WHQVLRQFRUGKDYLQJDJURXQGLQJW\SHSOXJDQGRXWOHWDQGWKDWWKHHOHFWULFDOUDWLQJRIWKHFRUGEHDPSHUHV PLQLPXP DQGYROWVREAD AND FOLLOW THIS SAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY.SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSAbout Energy Smart™ ModelsWhat Energy Smart™ Does,IWKH$&0 $SSOLDQFH&RPPXQLFDWLRQModule) is connected to your refrigeratorand is receiving utility rate information,then the Energy Smart™ feature alters theperformance of the refrigerator. It minimizesenergy consumption when directed by the1XFOHXV VROGVHSDUDWHO\ RU6PDUW0HWHU7KLVfeature can cause changes in the refrigeratoror freezer compartment temperaturesand can cause changes in rate of ice cubeproduction.Energy Smart™ OverridePress and hold the Energy Smart™ buttonfor 3 seconds to override the Energy Smart™IHDWXUH7KHDGMDFHQW/('ZLOOÀDVKWKUHHWLPHVWRFRQ¿UPDVXFFHVVIXORYHUULGHRIWKHfeature. This will prevent the feature fromaltering the performance of your refrigeratorfor 18 hours. During this 18 hour period, theLED will remain OFF. Eighteen hours afterthe feature has been disabled, the EnergySmart™ feature will return to its normaloperating routine.Energy SmartTM SwitchModels with the EnergySmart ™ featurehave an additional button and LED light onthe controls as shown. The LED will be ONduring high rate periods and OFF during lowor normal rate periods. The button is usedWRGLVDEOHWKH(QHUJ\6PDUWIHDWXUH VHH´(QHUJ\6PDUWRYHUULGHμVHFWLRQ 3