Installation[] ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONiNFORMATiONWARNING- TO REDUCE THE RISK OFFIRE, ELECTRICAL S HOCK, AND PERSONALINJURY:* DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD CRAMADAPTER PLUG WITH THIS APPLIANCE.D1yer must be electrically grounded in accordance withlocal codes and ordinances, or in tile absence of localcodes, in accordance with tile NATIONAL ELECTRI-CAL CODE, ANSI/NFPA NO. 70.ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTSTiffs appliance must be supplied with 120V, 60Hz, and com_ectedto a properly grounded branch circuit, protected by a 15- or 20-amp circuit breaker or time-delay fi_se. If electrical supply provid-ed does not meet the abo_e specifications, it is recommended thata licensed electrician install an approved outlet._WARNING - THIS DRYER IS EQUIPPEDA THREE-PRONG (GROUNDING) PLUG FORYOUR PROTECTION AGAINST SHOCKHAZARD AND SHOULD BE PLUGGEDDIRECTLY INTO A PROPERLY GROUNDEDTHREE-PRONG RECEPTACLE. DO NOT CUTOR REMOVE THE GROUNDING PRONGFROM THIS PLUG.ENSURE PROPER GROUND EXISTS BEFORE USE.IFLOCALCODESPERMIT,AN EXTERNALGROUNDWIRE(NOTPROVIDED),WHICHMEETSLOCALCODES,MAYBEADDEDBYATTACHINGTOTHEGREENGROUNDSCREWONTHEREAROFTHEDRYER,ANDTOA GROUNDEDMETALCOLDWATERPIPEOROTHERESTABLISHEDGROUND.instructions4F6-]EXHAUST iNFORMATiON_WARNING- IN CANADA AND IN THE UNITEDSTATES, THE REQUIRED EXHAUST DUCT DIAMETERIS 4 IN (102ram). DO NOT USE DUCT LONGERTHAN SPECIFIED IN THE EXHAUST LENGTH TABLE.l_ sing exhaust longer than specified length wilh* Increase the chying times and the energ F cost.* Reduce the cho_er life.* Accumulate lint, creating a potential fire hazard.The correct exhaust installation is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY,Problems due to incorrect installation are not coveredby the warranty.Remove and discard existing plastic or metal foil transitionduct and replace with I_L listed transition duct.The MAXIMI_ M ALLOWABLE duct length and number ofbends of the exhaust system depends upon the type of duct,number of turns, the type of exhaust hood (wall cap), and allconditions noted below. The maximum duct length for rigidmetal duct is shown in the table below.EXHAUST LENGTHRECOMMENDED MAXIMUM LENGTHExhaust Hood TypesRecommended Use only for shortrun installations4" DIA.4" _ _ 2-1/2"No. of 90 -0 Rigid RigidElbows Metal Metal0 90 Feet 60 Feet1 60 Feet 45 Feet2 45 Feet 35 Feet3 35 Feet 25 FeetEXHAUST SYSTEM CHECK LiSTHOOD OR WALL (AP• Terminate in a manner to prevent back drafts or entry of birds orother wildlife.• Termination should present minimal resistance to the exhaust air flowand should require little or no maintenance to prevent clogging.• Never install a screen in or over the exhaust duct.This could canse lint build up.• Wall caps must be installed at least 12 in. above ground level or any otherobstruction with the opening pointed down.SEPARATION OF TURNSFor best perfermance, separate all turns by at least 4 ft. of straight duct,including distance between last ttlrn and exhaust hood.TURNS OTHER THAN 90 °* Oile ttlrn of 45 ° or less may be ignored., Two 45 ° tt/rns shouht be treated as one 90 ° tt/rn., Each tt/rn over 45 ° shouhl be treated as one 90 ° tt/rn.SEALING OF JOINTS* _Mljoints should be tight te avoid leaks. The male end of each section ofduct must point away flom the dryer.* Do not assemble the ductwork with fasteners that extend into the duct.They will serve as a collection point fer lint.Duct joints can be made air and moisture-tight by wrapping theoverlapped joints with d t_ct rope.Horizontal runs should slope down toward the outdoors _½inch per feotiNSULATIONDuct work that runs through an unheated area or is near air conditioningshouhl be insulated to reduce condensation and lint buihl-t_p.