DIAGNOSTIC STATUS CODESSX TRANSISTOR CONTROL Page 29TRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-76 Capacitor (1C) voltage too high. This status code will be displayed when the voltageon the capacitor goes above limit voltage* during theregenerative braking cycle.MEMORY RE ALLCYES CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMLine contactor opens and closes, then opensand can only close by opening and closing thekey switch.POSSIBLE CAUSE Unplugging the battery connector duringregenerative braking. Line contactor bouncing open during regen. Main power fuse opening during regen. Intermittent battery plug connection.* Limit Voltage:Limit Battery Voltage50V 36V70V 48V96V 72//80VKEY SWITCHLP1 P17 P2 P6 FOOT SW.P181A ORSP DVRLEFT CONTROL (MASTER)P12 LEFT TURN SW.BP10312FU3DRIVERBLOCKFU1LINE+12VP21 P11RIGHTCONTROL(SLAVE)POWER CONNECTIONSLEFT CONTROLPOS A1 F1NEG A2 F2FIELDARMATURE+--48VMay 2000TRACTIONSTATUS CODEDESCRIPTION OF STATUS CAUSE OF STATUS INDICATION-77 Motor current is detected duringregenerative braking.This status code will be displayed when motoringcurrent is detected during the regen braking cycle.MEMORY RE ALLCYES CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TROUBLE-SHOOTING DIAGRAMCircuits validforTractionControllerSYMPTOMLine contactor opens and closes, then opensand can only close by opening and closing thekey switch.POSSIBLE CAUSEDefective control. Replace controller unitKEY SWITCHLP1 P17 P2 P6 FOOT SW.P181A ORSP DVRLEFT CONTROL (MASTER)P12 LEFT TURN SW.BP10312FU3DRIVERBLOCKFU1LINE+12VP21 P11RIGHTCONTROL(SLAVE)POWER CONNECTIONSLEFT CONTROLPOS A1 F1NEG A2 F2FIELDARMATURE+--48V