iii!iiiiilJiiii iilli!iiiiiiijiInstallation of the range.Read these instructions completely and carefully.[] Anti-Tip Bracket InstallationAn Anti-lip bracket is supplied with instructions tbr installation in a varietyof locations. The instructions include a template, a parts list and a list at toolsnecessm)" to complete the installation. Read tlle Important Safety Informationand tile insu'uctior_s that fit ',our simati(m betore be innin installation. 0 0WARNING_;_Range must be secured by Anti-Tipbracketsupplied.::_:See instructions to install (supplied with bracket).Unless proper b installed, tile range could be tipped b_, stepping or sitting onthe door. h-{im) might result fl'om spilled hot liquids or fl'om the range itselfBracket_. i _Wall plateScrewmustenterwood or metal _ _ _ I lTypicalinstallation of anti-tipbrackotattad)mentto waltLeveling the RangeTile rarve lllllSt be level I evelilw feet are located at each corner of the base oftile rano-e_.Remove tile storage drawer or kick panel (depending on )our model)and using cllannel locks, rotate ttle leveling teet in and out as required to leveltile rano-e_.(For instructions oil how to renlove and replace tile storage drawer orthe kick panel, see ttle Care and cleaning of the range section.)ii!iii_iiiiiiiiiii!iiii!ii_i_iiiiiiiii!i!i iiiiHi[]36()n some models, there are plastic covers which may be removed tar easyadjustment (just squeeze and pull).()he of the rear leveling teet will engage the Anti-lip bracket (allow for some sideto side ac!jusunent). Allow a minimmn clearance of l/8" between tile range andthe leveling toot that is to be installed into the Anti-lip bracketCheck tile range tar proper installation into the Anti-lip bracket )v removino- tilekick panel or storage drawer and inspecting the rear leveling leg. Make sure it titssecurely into the slot.Final CheckBe sure all range controls are in the OFFposition before leavingthe range.