(.;rill Tipsl Do not leave grill unattendedwhile in use.l Be sure to preheat according tocooking guide.l Occasionally rearrange foods onthe grill, to prevent sticking andprovide better browning.l Remove accumulated grease fromGrease Collector after each use, tolessen smoking and odors. Greasebuildup can also become a firehazard.. Trim fat from meats beforeplacing on grill. This will reducesmoking and lessen grease buildupin the collector pan. The trimmingsmay be rubbed on the hot grates tohelp prevent sticking.l Grates should be oiled or sprayedwith a nonstick vegetable oil beforecooking to prevent sticking.l Make sure Grease Collector,Grill Pan and Grill Spatter Shieldare clean before using grill.l Season meats after cooking ratherthan before—salt can draw outjuices and dry out meat. Use tongsto turn and rearrange meats on thegrill; forks will pierce the meat andrelease juices.. When cooking foods of varioussizes and thicknesses, start largeror thicker pieces first, add quicker-cooking small pieces later. Pressmeat lightly to lie flat on grill: slashthe fat on edges of steaks and chopsto prevent curling; break the jointsof split chickens so they will lie flat.l Your interchangeable cooktopmodules can be used on either theright or left side of the cooktop.When inserting or removing amodule, take care not to force theconnection or exert undue pressurewhich could damage the electricalcontacts. Additional modules canbe purchased from your dealer, todouble your grill/griddle capacityor to add two more surface units.. If your cooktop is being operatedon low power (voltage) foods maybe lighter brown than expected. Alonger preheating and grill timemay be necessary to achieve thedesired results.Questiom and AnswersQ. I follow the cooking timessuggested, but my foods don’t getdone properly. Is there somethingwrong with my grill?A. Probably not. Suggestedcooking times should be used onlyas a general guide. Variables infood can change cooking timesrequired.Q. How can I keep barbecuedmeats from developing anunattractive burned lookand taste?A. Sauces containing sugar willoften burn if used during the entirecooking time. If your favorite saucecontains sugar, try adding it onlyduring the last 15 to 20 minutes ofcooking time for best results.Q. When cooking small loadswith only half the heatingelements, foods are not browningas much as I like. What couldcause this?A. To get optimum cookingperformance with small loads, usethe rear heating element. Longerpreheating time may be requiredto get the desired results.11