12'5HFLUFXODWLQJ QRQYHQWHGGXFWOHVV²-1DQG51DQGRSWLRQDORQ-9-9-9-9-9DQG$9PRGHOVRQO\8VHWKHKRRGDVDWHPSODWHDQGPDUNWKHORFDWLRQVon the cabinet for the electrical wiring and keyholescrew slots.6LQFHWKHKRRGLVWREHUHFLUFXODWHG QRWWREHYHQWHGoutside), do not cut out any vent openings in the wallor cabinet bottom.Installation InstructionsWood shims(recessed-bottom cabinets only–shims must bea minimum of 3/8s thick and cut to fit the widthof the inner recessed cabinet bottom)Cabinet frontCenter line Electrical accesshole (in wall)Hood mountingscrews (4)Cabinetbottom103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)11ø4s1ø2s33ø4s51ø4s 51ø4s73ø4s103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)C.2XWVLGHUHDUH[KDXVW+RUL]RQWDOGXFW²s[s Rectangular)8VHWKHGLDJUDPRUWKHKRRGDVDWHPSODWHDQGmark the locations on the cabinet for ductwork,electrical wiring and keyhole screw slots.581:,5(6Run the electrical wires through the wall or cabinetaccording to National Electrical Code and applicablelocal codes.NOTE: DO NOT turn the power on until installation iscomplete.13&87+2/(6Cut holes at marked locations for duct and electricalwiring. For the vertical duct, cut out 3/4s extra towardthe front of the cabinet so you can move the ductfreely when installing the hood. It may also easeinstallation by cutting the hole 10 1ø2s instead of 10s.120$5.+2/(6Select the vent option that your installation will requireand proceed to that section:Hood mounting screws (4)103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)Cabinet frontCenterlineElectrical access hole(in cabinet bottom)Wood shims(recessed-bottomcabinets only–shimsmust be a minimumof 3/8s thick and cutto fit the width ofthe inner recessedcabinet bottom)95ø8s13ø8s1 1ø4s73ø4s33ø4s 1ø2sA.2XWVLGHWRSH[KDXVW9HUWLFDOGXFW²s[s Rectangular)8VHWKHGLDJUDPRUWKHKRRGDVDWHPSODWHDQGPDUNthe locations on the cabinet for ductwork, electricalwiring and keyhole screw slots.B. OutsideWRSH[KDXVW 9HUWLFDOGXFW²s Round)8VHWKHGLDJUDPRUWKHKRRGDVDWHPSODWHDQGmark the locations on the cabinet for ductwork,electrical wiring and keyhole screw slots.Hood mounting screws (4)103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)103ø4s (24s hood)133ø4s (30s hood)163ø4s (36s hood)Cabinet frontCenterlineElectrical accesshole (in cabinet bottom)Wood shims (recessed-bottom cabinets only–shimsmust be a minimum of 3/8sthick and cut to fit the widthof the inner recessed cabinetbottom)Accesshole for 7sround duct95ø8s1 3ø8s11ø4s73ø4s53ø4sCabinetbottom1151ø4s51ø4sCabinet BottomVertical ductaccess hole8s DIA.HOLEHorizontal ductaccess hole