5ge.comMICROWAVE-SAFE COOKWAREDo not operate the oven in the microwave mode without the turntable and the turntable support seatedand in place. The turntable must be unrestricted so it can rotate.Make sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass casseroles,cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not havemetallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled “suitable formicrowaving.” If you are not sure if a dishis microwave-safe, use thistest: Place in the oven boththe dish you are testingand a glass measuring cupfilled with 1 cup of water—set the measuring cupeither in or next to the dish. Microwave 30–45seconds at high. If the dish heats, it should notbe used for microwaving.If the dish remains cool and only the water inthe cup heats, then the dish is microwave-safe. Oversized food or oversized metal cookwareshould not be used in a microwave/convectionoven because they increase the risk of electricshock and could cause a fire. Sometimes the oven floor, turntable and wallscan become too hot to touch. Be careful touchingthe floor, turntable and walls during and aftercooking. If you use a meat thermometer whilemicrowaving or using the Auto Grill, Manual Grillor Combo Grill mode, make sure it is safe for usein microwave ovens. Do not use recycled paper products. Recycledpaper towels, napkins and waxed paper cancontain metal flecks which may cause arcingor ignite. Paper products containing nylon or nylonfilaments should be avoided, as they may alsoignite. Some styrofoam trays (like those that meatis packaged on) have a thin strip of metalembedded in the bottom. When microwaved,the metal can burn the floor of the oven orignite a paper towel. Use of the shelf accessory:— Remove the shelf from the oven whennot in use.— Use pot holders when handling the shelf andcookware. They may be hot.— Be sure that the shelf is positioned properly insidethe oven to prevent product damage.— Do not cover the shelf or any part of the ovenwith metal foil. This will cause overheating ofthe microwave/griller oven. Do not use your microwave/convection ovento dry newspapers. Not all plastic wrap is suitable for use in microwaveovens. Check the package for proper use. Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap canbe used to cover dishes in order to retain moistureand prevent spattering while microwaving. Be sureto vent plastic wrap so steam can escape. Do not use paper products when the microwave/griller oven is operated in the Auto Grill, ManualGrill or Combo Grill mode. Cookware may become hot because of heattransferred from the heated food. Pot holdersmay be needed to handle the cookware. When microwaving “boilable” cooking pouchesand tightly closed plastic bags, they should be slit,pierced or vented as directed by package. If theyare not, plastic could burst during or immediatelyafter cooking, possibly resulting in injury. Also,plastic storage containers should be at leastpartially uncovered because they form a tight seal.When cooking with containers tightly covered withplastic wrap, remove covering carefully and directsteam away from hands and face. Use foil only as directed in this manual. When usingfoil in the microwave oven, keep the foil at least 1″away from the sides of the oven. Plastic cookware—Plastic cookware designed formicrowave cooking is very useful, but should beused carefully. Even microwave-safe plastic maynot be as tolerant of overcooking conditions asare glass or ceramic materials and may soften orchar if subjected to short periods of overcooking.In longer exposures to overcooking, the foodand cookware could ignite.Plastic microwave cookware can NOT be usedwhen using the grilling functions of this oven.Follow these guidelines:Use microwave-safe plastics only and usethem in strict compliance with the cookwaremanufacturer’s recommendations.Do not microwave empty containers.Do not permit children to use plastic cookwarewithout complete supervision.321Safety Instructions Operating Instructions Care and Cleaning Troubleshooting Tips Consumer SupportHow to test fora microwave-safe dish.