About the convenience features. GEApp,ioncesc[POpCOrO(lesstime) (moretime)Use only with prepackagedmicrowave popcornweighing 3.0 to 3.5 ouncesTo use the Popcorn feature:To use the Popcorn feature:. Follow package instructions, using CookTime if the p(]ck(]ge is less than 3.0 ouncesor larger than 3.5 ounces. Placethep(]ck(]ge of popcorn in the center of themicrowave.2. PressPOPCORN.The oven st(]rtsimmediately. Tap POPCORNto select theb(]g size you (]re cooking.How to Adjust the Popcorn Program toProvide a Shorter or Longer Cook TimeIf you find th(]t the br(]nd of popcorn you useunderpops or overcooks consistently, youc(]n (]dd or subtr(]ct 20-30 seconds to the(]utom(]tic popping time.Toodd time:After pressing POPCORN,press 9 immedi(]tely(]fter the oven st(]rts for (]n extr(] 20 secondsof the cooking time.Press9 (]g(]in to (]dd (]nother 10 seconds(tot(]130seconds)of (]ddition(]l time.Tosubtract time:After pressing POPCORN,press 1 immedi(]tely(]fter the oven st(]rts for 20 seconds lesscooking time.Press1 (]g(]in to reduce cooking time (]nother10 seconds (tot(]130 seconds)less cookingtime.To use the Beverage feature:The Bever(]ge fe(]ture he(]ts 1-3 servings of(]ny bever(]ge.Press BEVERAGE. The oven st(]rtsimmedi(]tely.The serving size is (]utom(]tic(]lly set for 1,but c(]n be ch(]nged by pressing 2 or 3 right(]fter pressing BEVERAGE.Drinks heeted with the Beverage featuremay be very hot. Remove the conteinerwith cure.19