Design Guide3/4" CUSTOM PANEL DIMENSIONS: 80" High Fullg Integrated InstallationIf you choose to install custom panels, they must be cut tothe dimensions shown. The panels will attach to the doorand drawers using a hook and bracket system.EXTREMELYIMPORTANT: Custom wood panels must be atleast 3/4" thick where hooks and bracket hardware areattached. Refer to Templates for hook and bracket location.PANELSFORSOLIDDOORAND DRAWERS29-3/@A45-3/8"22-3/4"NOTE:PANELSFORGLASSDOOR29-3/4"This product is designed to handle 3A"panels thatore made of wood.33-3/8" x 23" is the maximum opening for a glasswindow. The opening may be smaller if desired.IMPORTANTNOTE:Maximumpanelweight:A FreshFoodDoorPanel:33 Ibs.B FreezerDrawerPanel:9 Ibs.I1ConvertibeDrawerPanel:19 Ibs.33-3/8"6".. 3.3/8" _Stylesmustbe a min 3-3/8" to coveraluminumdoor frame.Design Tip:Someamountof eachpanelwill be visible on the interior sideof the unit. It is recommendedthat both sidesof eachpanelbe finished.Design Tip: If usingcustompanels,a cutomtoe kickshouldbe considered.The Bottomof caseis white.3/4" CUSTOM PANEL DIMENSIONS: 84" High Fullg Integrated InstallationIf you choose to install custom panels, they must be cut tothe dimensions shown. The panels will attach to the doorand drawers using a hook and bracket system.EXTREMELYIMPORTANT: Custom wood panels must be at least3/4" thick where hooks and bracket hardware are attached.Refer to Templates for hook and bracket location.NOTE: this product is designed to handle 3A"panels thatore made of wood.33-:S/8"x 23" is the maximum opening for a glasswindow. The opening may be smaller if desired.PANELSFORSOLIDDOORAND DRAWERSI_ 29-3/4"49-3/8" A7-i/2"22-3/4"4_,PANELSFORGLASSDOORI._29-3/4"_ I49-3/8"3-3/8"_133-3/8"_3-3/8'IMPORTANTNOTE:Maximumpanelweight:A FreshFoodDoorPanel:33 Ibs.B FreezerDrawerPanel: 9 Ibs.I1ConvertibleDrawerPanel:19 Ibs._Stylesmustbe a min3-3/8" to coveraluminumdoor frame.Design Tip: Someamountof eachpanelwill be visible on the interiorsideofthe unit. It is recommendedthat bothsides of eachpanel be finished.Design Tip: If usingcustompanels,a cutomtoe Ishouldbe considered.TheBottomof case iswhite.11