Installation instructions[STEP 12 INSTALL DOOR AND DRAWERPANELS1. Removeall door and drawer hooks from the unit andscrew them to the custom panels, aligning them with thelowest set of predrilled holes for ivlonogram Panel Kits onthe FFdoor panel.2. Attach top L-Bracketto FF panel.3. If you had custom handles made and they (]re notcurrently attached to your panels, do so now.4. Open the fresh food door to attach the fresh food panel.5. Slide the hooks on the fresh food panel into the slots of thedoor, and lower the hooks into place, ivlakesure thebracket on the top of the panel slides over the screw postson top of the door. The brackets will rest on top of the nuts.Bracl(et _ -- ScrewPostHooks," --- SlotsHooks on the Freezerdrawer panel face up.]F-6. Adjust the screw posts up or down under the bracketon top of the door to level the panel.7. Lock the panel to the door by installing the nutsprovided onto the screw posts on top of the door.Next, screw the L-bracketthe door and the panel.)rovided into the bottom ofScrewPostHooksSlotsTopof Brack_FreshFoodPanelDoor[STEP 12J INSTALL DOOR AND DRAWERPANELS {cont).7. Install the Freezerdrawer panel by sliding the bracketsup into place (the opposite direction of the hooks on thefresh food panel and Convertible drawer)..8. Oncethe drawer panel is placed fasten the panel to thedrawer by screwing the bottom bracket into the panelwith the screws provided.9. Repeat for the second drawer by sliding the hooks downinstead of up.10. If using custom toekick attach the toekick panel byplacing Velcro on the buck of the panel, and on the fronof the toekick. If using SStoekick it is magnetic.11. Adjust drawer alignment using lower brackets usneeded to create uniform gaps.FreezerDrawer: iBracket&ABuck View of Panel Hooks and BracketFreezerDrawerFreshFoodDoor Convertibledrawer19Thelowerbracketson the FreshFood& ConvertibleDrawershouldnot be installeduntil after the panel is in place.