NX-8 Control 57REGULATORY NOTICESLOCAL TELEPHONE COMPANY INTERFACEINFORMATIONTelephone Connection RequirementsExcept for telephone company provided ringers, all connectionsto the telephone network shall be made through standard plugsand standard telephone company provided jacks or equivalent insuch a manner as to allow for immediate disconnection of theterminal equipment. Standard jacks shall be so arranged that ifthe plug connected thereto is withdrawn, no interference to theoperation of the equipment at the customer’s premises whichremains connected to the telephone network, shall occur byreason of such withdrawal.Incidence Of HarmShould terminal equipment or protective circuitry cause harm tothe telephone network, the telephone company shall, wherepractical, notify the customer that temporary discontinuance ofservice may be required. However, where prior notice is notpractical, the telephone company may temporarily discontinueservice if such action is deemed reasonable in the circumstances.In the case of such temporary discontinuance, the telephonecompany shall promptly notify the customer who will be given theopportunity to correct the situation. The customer also has theright to bring a complaint to the FCC if he feels the disconnectionis not warranted.Changes In Telephone Company Equipment OrFacilitiesThe telephone company may make changes in itscommunications facilities, equipment, operations, or procedureswhere such action is reasonably required and proper in itsbusiness. Should any such change render the customers terminalequipment incompatible with the telephone company facilities, thecustomer shall be given adequate notice to make modifications tomaintain uninterrupted service.GeneralThe FCC prohibits customer provided terminal equipment beconnected to party lines.Importance Of The Ringer Equivalence NumberThe Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of this device is 0.1B.This number is a representation of the electrical load that itapplies to your telephone line.Malfunction Of The EquipmentIn the event that the device should fail to operate properly, thecustomer shall disconnect the equipment from the telephone lineto determine if it is the customers equipment that is notfunctioning properly. If the problem is with the device, thecustomer shall discontinue use until it is repaired.Equipment InformationManufacturer Of Connecting Equipment:CADDX CONTROLS, INC.FCC Registration Number:GCQUSA-31771-AL-T, RINGER EQUIVALENCE: 0.1 B(Applies to products which have the CE mark attached)CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITYManufacturer’s Name: Caddx ControlsManufacturer’s Address: 1420 North Main StreetGladewater TX 75647EU Representative: Interlogix EuropeProduct IdentificationProduct: NetworXModel: NX-8Brand: CADDXR&TTE DirectiveSee EMC and LVD tests belowEMC Directives:EN50081-1 EN50130-4EN55022 EN60950EN61000-3-2 EN61000-3-3LVD Directive:EN 60950: 1999-4 3rd editionMeans of ConformityWe declare under our sole responsibility that this product is inconformity with Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE); Directive73/23/EEC (LVD); and Directive 89/336/EEC (EMC) and basedon test results using (non)-harmonized standards in accordancewith the Directives mentioned.Additional TestsThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with thefollowing standards (which are no longer required forcompliance).Network Compatibility DeclarationWe declare under our sole responsibility that this product isdesigned to work with the networks in the countries marked witha check () and may have interworking problems with thecountries that are not checked. Due to the inherent differences inthe individual PSTNs, certain software settings may need to beadjusted on a country-to-country basis. If it is desired to use thisequipment on a network other than the one on which it wasoriginally installed, you should contact your equipment supplier.() Austria (_) Liechtenstein() Belgium () Luxembourg() Denmark () Netherlands() Finland () Norway() France () Poland() Germany () Portugal() Greece () Spain() Iceland () Sweden() Ireland () Switzerland() Italy () United KingdomTelecom Approval NoticeThis equipment has been approved in accordance with theCouncil Decision 98/482/EC for pan-European, single terminalconnection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN).However, due to the differences between the individual PSTNsprovided in different countries, the approval does not, of itself,give an unconditional assurance of successful operation on everyPSTN network termination point. In the event of problems, youshould contact your equipment supplier in the first instance.Electrical RequirementsThis device automatically adjusts to voltages within the range of230 V 50/60 Hz. Fuse: Type T 200mA 250 VAC