LX: PRD_NPE_19X_2K0_3K0_2GB_0206 01-06-02 2/14 GE DE NetPro 19” 2000-3000 UPS: product descriptiong GE Digital EnergyThe GE (General Electric) Digital Energy NetPro 19" UPS series is a compact, truly on-line system whichincorporates the most advanced power electronics technology to provide exceptional protection for electricalequipment.Each GE Digital Energy UPS is thoroughly tested and conforms within tolerance to the following specifications.(Data are mean values and are subject to change without notice.) Information applies to all models unlessotherwise specified.2.1 Principles of OperationThe NetPro 19” UPS stores electric energy in batteries housed in the unit. This allows the UPS to supply outputpower even when the incoming mains power is cut off completely. Energy is stored as Direct Current (DC), whileinput and output energy are Alternating Current (AC) in sine wave form. Therefore the UPS contains an inputconverter (AC to DC) and an output converter (DC to AC) (See fig.1).The NetPro 19” UPS is a SECOND GENERATION On-Line UPS with:* a capacitor bank in the DC line* battery not in line with the DC link, resulting in:- enhanced battery life- optimal battery charging* full wave input converter with power factor correction* extremely wide input voltage and input frequency tolerance* no inrush current at start up2.2 Normal ConditionsUnder normal input conditions (see section 4.2) energy from the mains is channeled through the input converter,which supplies the output converter and, together with the battery charger, keeps the battery fully charged.Surges and spikes are blocked completely at the input converter and very instable mains can be supported. Theoutput converter synthesizes a completely new AC output sine wave to supply the load (electrical equipment).Figure 1 Block diagram of the NetPro 19” UPS, mains presentOUTPUT:PERFECT UPS POWERINPUT:MAINS POWER WITH DISTURBANCESOUTPUTCONVERTERINPUTCONVERTEROPTIONALFROMMAINSRFIFILTERCardConnectINTERFACEPROGR. OUTLETNetPro 19" 3k onlyRS232INTERFACEOUTPUT SOCKETSAUTOMATICBYPASSON/OFFCHARGECONVERTERBATTERYEXTENSIONRFIFILTERBATTERYCHARGERBATTERYMICRO-PROCESSOR CONTROL FRONT PANEL1 - Introduction2 - Functional Explanation