LX: PRD_NPE_19X_2K0_3K0_2GB_0206 01-06-02 3/14 GE DE NetPro 19” 2000-3000 UPS: product descriptiong GE Digital Energy2.3 Mains FailureIn the event of a mains power failure (i.e. mains absent or outside tolerance) the output converter uses theenergy reserve stored in the battery to continue to produce AC power, ensuring unbroken output (fig. 2).No interruption or alteration will ever be noticed in the output power.In the event of an extended mains failure, the output converter will stop when the battery energy has been usedup. At this point, the UPS is no longer able to power the connected equipment.When the mains is re-established within tolerance, the input converter will be supplied again by the mains andthe batteries will be recharged, making them ready to support future power failures.2.4 Bypass operationIf the output converter is unable to deliver the demanded output power (overload, overtemperature) the bypassswitch will automatically transfer the load to the mains. If bypass operation is caused by an overload situation,the UPS will try to switch back to output converter after 0.1 seconds, without generating any alarm. This waybypass alarms due to inrush currents, which normally last less than 0.1 seconds, are avoided. If the overloadsituation still exists after three switch-back attempts (i.e. the overload lasts longer than 0.3 seconds and is thusnot caused by inrush currents), the unit will remain in bypass mode, generating a bypass alarm. It will switchback to output converter when the overload has been removed. If bypass operation is caused byovertemperature, the unit will switch back when the temperature has dropped below alarm level.When the normal situation is restored, the load will be transferred back to the output converter.The transfer time is less than 4msecs and is sufficiently short formodern computers, which can ridethrough 10-20 milliseconds.If a power failure occurs duringbypass operation, the UPS willswitch back to inverter andeventually, when the batteries aredepleted, output power is lost. If theUPS functions under overloadconditions it may not be able toprotect the load.Figure 2 Block diagram of the NetPro 19”, mains failureFigure 3 Bypass operationOUTPUT:PERFECT UPS POWERINPUT:MAINS FAILUREOUTPUTCONVERTERINPUTCONVERTEROPTIONALRFIFILTERCardConnectINTERFACEOUTPUT SOCKETSAUTOMATICBYPASSON/OFFCHARGECONVERTERBATTERYEXTENSIONRFIFILTERBATTERYCHARGERBATTERYPROGR. OUTLETNetPro 19" 3k onlyRS232INTERFACEFRONT PANELMICRO-PROCESSOR CONTROLOUTPUTCONVERTERINPUTCONVERTEROPTIONALFROMMAINSOUTPUT SOCKETSAUTOMATICBYPASSON/OFFCHARGECONVERTERBATTERYEXTENSIONRFIFILTERBATTERYCHARGERBATTERYPROGR. OUTLETNetPro 19" 3k onlyCardConnectINTERFACERS232INTERFACEFRONT PANELMICRO-PROCESSOR CONTROLRFIFILTER