49-40760-2 21TROUBLESHOOTING TIPSTroubleshooting TipsThings That Are Normal With Your Microwave OvenŶ Steam or vapor escaping from around the door.Ŷ Light reflection around door or outer case.Ŷ Dimming oven light and change in the blower sound atpower levels other than high.Ŷ Dull thumping sound while oven is operating.Ŷ TV-radio interference might be noticed while using themicrowave. Similar to the interference caused by othersmall appliances, it does not indicate a problem withthe microwave. Plug the microwave into a differentelectrical circuit, move the radio or TV as far awayfrom the microwave as possible or check the positionand signal of the TV/radio antenna.FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION RADIO FREQUENCYINTERFERENCE STATEMENT (U.S.A. ONLY)This equipment generates and uses ISM frequencyenergy and if not installed and used properly, that is instrict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions,may cause interference to radio and televisionreception. It has been type tested and found to complywith limits for ISM Equipment pursuant to part 18 ofFCC Rules, which are designed to part 18 of FCCRules, which are designed to provide residentialinstallation.However, there is no guarantee that interference will notoccur in a particular installation. If this equipment doescause interference to radio or television reception, whichcan be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the following:Ŷ5HRULHQWWKHUHFHLYLQJDQWHQQDRIWKHUDGLRRUtelevision.Ŷ5HORFDWHWKH0LFURZDYH2YHQZLWKUHVSHFWWRWKHreceiver.Ŷ0RYHWKHPLFURZDYHRYHQDZD\IURPWKHUHFHLYHUŶ3OXJWKHPLFURZDYHRYHQLQWRDGLIIHUHQWRXWOHWVRWKDWthe microwave oven and the receiver are on differentbranch codes.The manufacturer is not responsible for any radio of TVinterference caused by unauthorized modification to thismicrowave oven. It is the responsibility of the user tocorrect such interference.