6Installation PreparationPreparation WITHOUT an Accessory Storage DrawerPREPARE THE OPENING (CONT.)Installation over a GE/MonogramWarming Drawer:NOTE: Additional clearances between the cutoutsmay be required. Check to be sure the oven supportsabove the Warming Drawer location do not obstructthe required interior depth and height. See WarmingDrawer installation instructions for details.30” 23-1/2”25-1/4”17-1/2”36-3/4”Min.2” Min.(3” recommended)Per warmingdrawerrequirementConstructSolid BottomMin. 3/8”PlywoodSupportedby 2x4 or 2x2Runners allFour SidesPREPARE THE OPENINGThe Advantium 240V can be installed incombination with other GE/Monogram appliances.Always follow each product’s InstallationInstructions to complete the installation.Single Advantium 240V Installation:Order a 30” wide single oven cabinet or cut theopening in a wall to the dimensions shown.$OZD\VPDLQWDLQμPLQLPXPKHLJKWIURPthe floor to the cutout in any single or combinedinstallation.$OORZμFDVHWULPRYHUODSRQWKHVLGHVDQG7/8” overlap on the bottom of the opening forall models. Allow 1-1/4” case trim overlap on thetop for models PSB9120 and 3/4” overlap on thetop for models ZSC2200, ZSC2200, ZSC2201 andZSC2202.2YHQRYHUODSVZLOOFRQFHDOFXWHGJHVRQDOOVLGHVof the opening.When installed over a single oven or a warmingdrawer, allow at least 2” between the two openings.This separation will provide clearance for bottomoverlap of the Advantium 240V and the otherappliance overlaps.Construct a solid oven floor of 3/8” min. thick plywoodsupported by 2 x 4 or 2 x 2 runners on all sides.7KHVXSSRUWPXVWEHOHYHODQGULJLGO\PRXQWHGflush with the bottom edge of the cutout.30” 23-1/2”25-1/4”17-1/2”ConstructBaseMin. 3/8”PlywoodSupportedby 2x4 or2x2 Runnersall FourSides36-3/4”Min.