Advantium OvenSpeedcookingSpeedcookpower levelThe Advantium uses power from highintensity halogen lamps, a ceramicheater, a convection system andmicrowaves to cook food from the top,bottom and interior simultaneously toseal in moisture and flavor.:KHQXVLQJWKHSUHVHWPHQXIRRGVthe power levels are already selectedfor you. However, power levels canEHDGMXVWHGZKHQXVLQJSUHVHWPHQXfoods and CUSTOM SPEEDCOOK.Each power level gives you halogenlamp or ceramic heater power andmicrowave energy for a certainpercentage of the time or providesheating from the convection system.)RUH[DPSOHU–07 Upper halogen lamp on70% of the time.L–07 Lower ceramic heater on70% of the time.C–06 Convection element heatsoven to 350ºF.M–05 Microwave on 50% of thetime.NOTE: Be careful when adjustingpower levels so that you do notover- or undercook food.1. Press the SPEEDCOOK pad andselect your food (follow instructionsfrom Using the pre-set speedcookmenu).2. When display shows ADJUST TIMEor START, press the POWER LEVELpad.If you do not want to change oneof the settings, just press the dial tomove to the next selection.3. Turn the dial clockwise to increaseor counterclockwise to decreasethe upper power level. Press thedial to enter.4. Turn the dial to change the lowerpower level. Press the dial to enter.5. Turn the dial to change themicrowave power level. Press thedial to enter.6. Turn the dial to change theconvection power level. Press thedial to enter.7. Press the START/PAUSE pad or theselector dial to start cooking.U = Select a higher setting for thinfoods requiring a golden brownWRS H[DPSOHILVKILOOHWVWRDVWboneless chicken breasts). Selecta lower setting for thicker foodsand foods with high sugar or fatFRQWHQW H[DPSOHPXIILQVURDVWVcasseroles) or that require a longercook time.L = Select a higher setting for thick ordense foods that may not cookTXLFNO\LQWKHFHQWHU H[DPSOHsteaks, casseroles). Select a lowerVHWWLQJIRUWKLQIRRGV H[DPSOHcookies).M = Select a higher setting to shortencooking time for dense or heavyIRRGV H[DPSOHFDVVHUROHVZKROHchicken). Select a lower setting forGHOLFDWHIRRGV H[DPSOHEUHDGV or foods requiring longer cookWLPHVIRUWHQGHUUHVXOWV H[DPSOHstew, pot roast).C = Select a lower setting for moredelicate foods that cook at lowertemperatures. Select a highersetting (6 or above) for morerobust foods or foods that cook attemperatures above 350ºF.Follow these general guidelines when selecting the best U=, L=, M= and C=settings for your favorite recipe:18