7Before You Call For Service…Save timeand money!Review thetroubleshootingtips on thispage first andyou may notneed to callfor service.PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSEFAN DOES 7KHYHQWLVQRWIXOO\H[WHQGHG3UHVVWKH212))SDGNOT WORKVENT DOES 7KHYHQWLVQRWSOXJJHGLQWRDQRXWOHW3OXJWKHYHQWLQWRD9NOT WORK power outlet. 7KHUDLVHORZHUSDGGLGQRWHQJDJHWKHOLIWPRWRU+ROGGRZQWKHpad for a couple of seconds to activate the motor. 7KHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUPD\KDYHWULSSHG&KHFNWKHFLUFXLWEUHDNHU³reset if necessary. 6XIILFLHQWPDNHXS UHSODFHPHQW DLULVUHTXLUHGIRUH[KDXVWLQJappliances to operate to rating. Check with local building codes, whichmay require or strongly advise the use of makeup air. VisitGEAppliances.com for available makeup air solutions.Downdraft Vent System