– 3 –Selecting Flame SizeWatch the flame, not the knob, as you reducethe heat.The flame size on a gas burner should matchthe cookware you are using.For safe handling of cookware, never let theflame extend up the sides of the cookware.Any flame larger than the bottom of thecookware is wasted and only serves to heat thehandle.Selecting CookwareAluminum: Medium-weight cookware isrecommended because it heats quickly andevenly. Most foods brown evenly in an aluminumskillet. Use saucepans with tight-fitting lids forcooking with minimum amounts of water.Cast Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will givesatisfactory results.Enamelware: Under some conditions, theenamel of some cookware may melt. Followcookware manufacturer’s recommendations forcooking methods.Glass: There are two types of glass cookware:those for oven use only and those for surfacecooking (saucepans, coffee pots, and teapots).Glass conducts heat very slowly.Heatproof Glass - Ceramic: This can be usedfor either surface or oven cooking. It conductsheat very slowly and cools very slowly. Checkthe cookware manufacturer’s directions to besure it can be used on gas cooktops.Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poorheating properties, and is usually combined withcopper, aluminum, or other metals for improvedheat distribution. Combination metal skilletsgenerally work satisfactorily if they are used atmedium heat as the manufacturer recommends.cooking. The front right burner is the high-powerburner for larger pans and fast boiling.WARNING: Be sure the burners and grates arecool before you place your hand, a pot holder,cleaning cloths, or other materials on them.Caution: Do not operate a burner for anextended period of time without cookware on thegrate. The finish on the grate may chip withoutcookware to absorb the heat.GEA00262