46Accessories.Looking For Something More? (Not all accessories are available for all models.)You can find these accessories and many more at GEAppliances.com (U.S.)or www.GEAppliances.ca (Canada), or call 800.626.2002 (U.S.) or 800.661.1616 (Canada)(during normal business hours). Have your model number ready.([SHULHQFHWKHVHRWKHUJUHDWSURGXFWVWRNHHS\RXUNLWFKHQORRNLQJJUHDW*HWWKHPRVWRXWRI\RXU%URLOHU3DQ 1RWIRUXVHZLWK%URLOHU'UDZHUPRGHOVUse your pan and grid cover to broil hamburgers, seafood, steaks, vegetables,EDFRQFKRSVDQGVRPXFKPRUH7KHSDQEHORZFDWFKHVWKHH[FHVVIDWVDQGRLOV• Genuine GE Part• Easy To Clean• One-Year Warranty/LPLWHG7LPH2IIHU)UHH6KLSSLQJWhen you order your broiler pan within 30 days of purchasing your GE cooking product.Small Large* XL**U.S. Part # WB48X10055 WB48X10056 WB48X10057Canada Part # 222D2097G001 222D2097G002 N/ADimensions 8-3/4” W x 1-1/4” H x 13-1/2” D 12-3/4” W x 1-1/4” H x 16-1/2” D 17” W x 1-1/4” H x 19-1/4” D† Plus applicable state sales tax (PST/HST and GST)* The large (standard) broil pan does not fit in 20”/24” ranges.** The XL pan does not fit in 24” wall ovens, 27” drop-ins or 20”/24” ranges.To place your order, call 800.626.2002 (U.S.), 800.661.1616 (Canada) or mail this form to:In the U.S.: GE Parts, P.O. Box 221027, Memphis, TN 38122-1027. In Canada: GE Parts, 1 Factory Lane, Moncton, N.B. E1C 9M3Broiler Pan Order FormQuantity ____________________ Part Number ______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________Model Number ______________ Serial Number __________________ Brand _______________ Date of Purchase __________First Name ____________________________________________ Last Name ______________________________________________Address__________________________________________________________________________________________________________City __________________________________________________ State ___________ Zip Code _____________________________Phone ________________________________________________ E-Mail __________________________________________________Credit Card___ Check ____ Money Order ___Visa ____ MasterCard___ Discover____ AmEx ___ Credit Card # _______________________________________________Exp. Date: Month _______________ Year __________________ Signature: ____________________________________________Surface Elements and Drip PansGrates Surface Burner Heads and CapsOven Elements Light Bulbs.QREVOven RacksWX10X117GCS WX10X305 WX10X10001 PM10X311CeramicCooktop&OHDQLQJ.LWIncludes cleaner,scraper and padCeramic CooktopCleaning Wipes Stainless SteelAppliance PolishWipesStainless SteelApplianceCleaner_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _or