Care and cleaning of the coil cooktop, consomemode sBe sure the controls are turned to OFF and the surface units are cool before attempting to remove them.iD[i p Surface UnitsCooktopLocking tab rimWhen properly seated, the lockingtab should lock onto the cooktoprim through the notch in the drippan.Tocleanthesurfaceunits,turn the controltothe highestsettingfor a minute.Thecoilswillburn off anysoil.Toremovea surfaceunit:To removethe drip pansfor cleaning,the surfaceunits mustbe removedfirst.[] Pushthe surfaceunitbacktowardme receamcleto freeme lOCKing]:aDfrom me COOK_Op.Surface un_Toreplacea surfaceunit:i71 Replacethe drip pan intothe recessin thecooktop.Makesurethe openingin the pan linesup with the receptacle.[_ Insertthe terminalsof the surfaceunitthroughthe openingin the drip pan andintothe receptacle.LockingtabtaDDrip panReceptacle[_ Liftthe surfaceunitabout 1 inchabovethe drippan and pull it out.Donot lift thesurfaceunit morethan! inch.lfyou do,it maynot lie fiat on the drippanwhenyouplug it backin.NOTE:Repeatedlifting ofthe surfaceunitmorethan 1 inchabovethe drip pan canpermanentlydamagethe receptacle.[-_ Pushthe surfaceunitin and downto lockthe tab in placesoit restsevenlyin thecooktop.Donot immersethe surfaceunitsin liquidsofany kind.Donot cleanthe surfaceunitsin a dishwasher.Donot bendthe surfaceunit plugterminals.Donot attempt to clean,adjustor in any wayrepairthe plug-inreceptacle.Drip PansRemovethe surfaceunits.Thenlift outthe drippans.Forbestresults,cleanthe drip pansby hand.Placethem in a coveredcontainer(ora plasticbag)with ¼cup ammoniato loosenthe soil.Rinsewith cleanwater and polishwith a cleansoftcloth.Thedrip pansmayalsobe cleanedin adishwasher.Cleanthe area underthe drip pansoften.Built-upsoil,especiallygrease,may catchfire.Donot coverthe drip panswith foil. Usingfoilsocloseto the receptaclecouldcauseshock,fire or damageto the range.NOTE:Ifyour cooktopis equippedwith shiny,silver-coloreddrip pans,do not cleanthemin the self-cleaningoven.Permanentdamageto the finish canoccur.If your cooktopisequippedwith blackor grayporcelain-coateddrip pans,they canbecleanedin the ovenduringthe self-cleaningcycle.Beforeyou begina self-cleaningcycle,removeanyheaw soilfrom thedrip pansandplacethemon theporcelain-coatedovenracks.Do notplacethe drip pansdirectlyon the ovenbottom.Afterthe self-cleaningcycleiscompletedandthe drip pansare cool,wipethem with a dampcloth to removeanyremainingashor residue.Be sure all surface units are turnedoff before raising the cooktop.32Lift-Up CooktopTheentirecooktopmay be liftedup andsupportedin the up positionfor easiercleaning.Thesurfaceunitsdo notneedto be removed;however,you may removeone to makeraisingthe cooktopeasier.Thereare two sidesupportsthat lock into positionwhenthe cooktopislifted up.After cleaningunderthe cooktopwith hot,mildsoapywater and a cleancloth,lowerthecooktop.Becarefulnot to pinchyourfingers.Tolowerthe cooktop,pushthe rodsbackandgently lowerthe cooktopuntil it restsin place.