SecoGear – Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual 27 of 56Where not connected to other switchgear, the welding nut platesare designed to receive bolts for the left or right end covers.Always bolt from the outside of the switchgear. First, assembleand bolt the front trim cover, and then assemble and bolt therear trim. Finally, bolt them together in the middle of the gear.WiringControl wires (up to #10 gauge wire) that cross shipping splitshave color coded ends and are labeled as plug connectors ateach split. Ensure all plugs are properly reconnected.Taped InsulationSecoGear is provided with main bus joint and cable lug boots toprovide insulation protection over connection points. In specialcases you may need to use taped insulation or another methodto protect the connections. This work would not be performedat the factory, but we are providing some basic referenceinformation in this section.With the new and improved insulating material available on themarket, we highly recommend going to the vendors’ website toreview current product offerings and installation methods thatwill best work for your situation. Products may include tapes,putties, and heat-shrinkable options. The following examplesillustrate some of the key concerns and issues when installingtape or other non-boot style insulation. Carefully follow thematerial vendors’ installation instruction to assure propercoverage and adhesion.The following insulation system involves the use of high voltageinsulating tape and electrical-grade rubber-based putty.Electrical grade putty will be used only when required to gradevoids and smooth out sharp edges of joints, terminator, orentrance bushing connections. The high-voltage tape will beused both as filler and also as the final insulation covering forthese examples. Overlap any expired roll by one-half turn.Attach Trim CoversPlugs may contain CT circuit wiring. Do not disconnectplugs when the equipment is energized, since openingenergized CT circuits can create hazardous high voltages.WARNING!Figure 4-8: Front Left Trim Covers InstalledFigure 4-9: Side Sheet AssemblyRear EndCoverFront EndCover