29-0047-78 AC 04-2014 8• The reference solution is then removed, the cuvette filled with the sample and the sample measured by pressing the runbutton on the keypad. The measured results will be displayed on the instrument display.• The Ultrospec 7000/8000/9000 instruments have a colored Touchscreen for operation and a double beam opticalsystem. In normal operation a cuvette filled with reference solution is put in the rear cell holder , a cuvette filled withsample in the front cell holder, the relevant application method is loaded and the Run Icon pressed. If a single cell is beingused e.g. a microcell it should be filled with reference solution, placed in the front cell holder, the Zero icon pressed, thecuvette filled with sample, placed in the front cell holder and the Run Icon pressed• Typical results screen (DNA application GeneQuant)2.3. Performing a run - micro volume instruments• On the SimpliNano units samples are measured in a sample port. Using a pipettea solution of reference material, which is typically the solution that the sample isdissolved in, is dropped onto the measurement position in the sample port and theinstrument zeroed by pressing the Reference key on the keypad .Zero RunUltrospec 10 Novaspec III/Plus GeneQuant 100/1300 Ultrospec 2100