w..’DE~OS~G BY mWe M- is des@ed for speedy ti~ of_ food -d is one of the-tad-~ of amicrowave oven.Use the Time Defrost setting to quickly thaw foodssuch as bread, rolls, vegetables, fruits and fromndinners. The Auto Defrost setting is pferred formeat and poultry kause the oven sets the defrostingtime and power levels for you.l Power kvel 3 is automatidly set when youpress ~ DEFROST pad, but you may changethis for more flexibility.l S= the Defrosting Guide for defrosting help.How to C- Power bVd1. %ss _ DEFROST. q B B2. Seleet defrosting time. q Q m3. Press PO~R ~~. Hmm4. Sel* desti power level 1–10. q m u5. Press STMT.To become better Auainted with the defrostfuntion, defrost a 10 oz. pwkage of fro=nstrawberries by following the steps below.Step 1: ~ue a package of fromn straw~ea inthe oven md close door. Be sure pmkage containsno meti.m Step 2: Touch ~ DEFROST.1 A JStep 3: Sel~ one ~f of the toti defrosting timemmmeti. For example, touch pads 4,0 and Ofor 4 minutes.o Step 4: Touch START. men the cycle is~M completed, the oven signals and tihes“End”, then automatically shuts off.Step 5: h the pmkage over, close the door andrept Steps 2 and 3 to set remaining W ofdetisting time. Touch ST~T.Step 6: men the oven signals ad flashes ‘Bd”,open the door, remove the pmkage and separatestraw~es to finish defrosting.-l Foods frozen in paper or -O For even defrosting, someplastic can be &-tisted in foods need to be broken upthe -e. Tlghtiy closed or separated part of the waypukages should be sti~ tiugh the defrosting time.Piereed or vented, ~iOOd has partially &tiSti,as~ by phge. l Foods that spoil easily, such as mik, eggs, fish,Plastic storage containers stuffings, poultry and pork shotid not be allowed toshould beat least partially sit out for more - one hour after defrosting. Roomuncovered. tempemture pmo- the Pwth of harmful be.l Family-size, pre-~kaged kzen dinners can be . Check the Defrosting Guide for other defrosting tips.defrosted and timwaved. H the food is in a foflcontainer, transfer it to a mimwavesafe dish.Q. men I press START, I hear add th-p~ Q. Can I d- - items in a hurry?noise. -t is it? A. Yes, but hey will need more ~uent attentionA. This sound is nd. It is letting you know the than usual. Raise the power level after enteringmagnetron is in operation. the time by touching the desti power level pad.Power bvel 7 cuts the toti &frosting time inabout l~; Power bvel 10 cuts the toti defrosting- to approxirna~ly 1~. During either, rotate orstir food *uentiy.18