DE~OS~G G~E1. Fd _ in ~ ~pktiC my be -ti WithOUt 3. Be sm me meaw m mmpletely detisted bef- x.unm. Efond is fofl wrapped, -eve foil and pl= food & ~ Ms- food sbodd be ml but so- in dl cootig dish fm detisdng. Most food defrosts we~ using~frost (3). For more even *sting of ~ foods, such as If still slightiy icy, mtum to microwave oven very Mefly, m ktbeef, lamb and Vd roasts, U* W- (l). stand a few minutes.z k fnt hdf ofdetisting dine, ~~p p- and C=food. b food over, ifnecessq; M apart a s- foodimpossible. Shield my wm ~ witi sdl pieces of foil.Bma&, Mm power bvel: ~ (3)]B-b- or ~ (1 piece) 1 min.S** 3 to 5 min. ~~ * Mf of dine.(Zpprox. 12 oz.)Ftit power ~vel: M-t (3)]w poud-1 to 2 3 to 6 min.(1002. -)M-t power hvel: Wf-t (3)]Bmn (1 lb.) 3 to 5 min. ~ lb.~ (1 lb.) 3 to 5 min.G - m - t ( 1 lb.) 5 to 7 min.=: beef, tib, Vd, @ 12 to 16 min. ~lb.S- chops and cutits 6 to g min. ~ lb.~ unopened_ in oven. Microwave just unti = a be~. M 5-5 minutes, ifnecessq, to compti *sting.Mace une meat in -g dish. * ova* first Mfof time and shield w- m with foil. A* second ~f of time,separate pieces with tile tife. kt stand to complete _ting.POti~ power hvel: -t (3)]~ brntier-~, 16 to mCut UP (2% to 3 lbs.).~ whole 18 to 22(2% to 3 lbs.)~~ b- (4 to 6 lbs.) 6 to 10 min. ~ lb.~ace wrapped chi~ in dish. Unwrap and ~ ovti after first Mfof time. Ah - hdf of time, _te pi-s and p- in cootingdish. Mimwave 2 to 4 minutes m-, if necessq. ht stand a fewminti to finish _ting.mace wrapped chib in dish. * fit Uf of k unwrap andturn Chich over. shieM Wm mas with foil. n Compkte *stin&- cool water in cavity until gibb can be removed.- unwrapped hen in oven tit-side-up. h over after Wt Mof time. Run cool w- in cavity unti gibkts - be removed.Mace unmpped b=t in microwav-safe dish bmt-s~ .-first tiof time, turn bast-side-up ad Md W- H witi fti.~fist fm =nd ~f of time. M stand 1 to 2 hom in m~to compkte defrosting.