Help us help you...Read this book carefully.It is intended to help you operateand maintain your new refrigeratorproperly.Keep it handy for answers to yourquestions.If you don’t understand somethingor need more help, write (includeyour phone number):Consumer AffairsGE AppliancesAppliance ParkLouisville, KY 40225Write down the model andserial numbers.You’ll see them on a label at thebottom, just inside the fresh foodcompartment door.These numbers are also on theConsumer Product OwnershipRegistration Card that came withyour refrigerator.Before sending in the registrationcard, please write these numbershere:Model NumberSerial NumberUse these numbers in anycorrespondence or service callsconcerning your refrigerator.If you received a damagedrefrigerator, immediately contactthe dealer (or builder) that sold youthe refrigerator.Save time and money.Before you request service, checkthe Problem Solver. It lists causesof minor operating problems thatyou can correct yourself.Energy-sating tipsl Location of your refrigerator isimportant. Avoid locating it next toyour range, a heating vent orwhere the sun will shine directlyon it.l Don’t open the doors more oftenthan necessary.l Close the doors as soon aspossible, particularly in hot,humid weather.l Be sure the doors are closedtightly. Before leaving the house orretiring for the night, check to besure the doors haven’t been leftopen accidentally.l Store only those foods requiringrefrigeration in your refrigerator.l Wipe moisture from bottles andcartons before putting them. in therefrigerator.l Keep foods covered to reducemoisture buildup inside therefrigerator.Q If you turn the controls to thecoldest position for quick chillingor freezing, be sure to turn themback to regular settings.l Don’t overcrowd your refrigerator.Overcrowding can require extraelectrical energy to keep everythingcool.Eyou need seticeTo obtain service, see theConsumer Services page in theback of this book.We’re proud of our service andwant you to be pleased. If for somereason you are not happy with theservice you receive, here are threesteps to follow for further help.FIRST, contact the people whoserviced your appliance. Explainwhy you are not pleased. In mostcases, this will solve the problem.NEXT, if you are still not pleased,write all the details—includingyour phone number—to:Manager, Consumer RelationsGE AppliancesAppliance ParkLouisville, Kentucky 40225Finally, if your problem is still notresolved, write:Major Appliance ConsumerAction Panel20 North Wacker DriveChicago, Illinois 60606.——2