Once Your Icemaker andDispenser Are in OperationThrow away the first few batchesof ice cubes (16 or 24 cubes). Thiswill flush away any impurities inthe water line. Do the same thingafter vacations or extended periodswhen ice isn’t used.Discard the first six glassfuls ofwater in the kitchen sink. This willeliminate the slight “plastic” tastetemporarily imparted to the waterby the water reservoir.Keep ice level to keep icemakerproductive. Cubes ejected into anempty storage bin will pile upclose to the icemaker and push thefeeler arm up to the OFF positionprematurely when the bin is onlypartially fulI. Open the ice accessdoor, reach in, level the cubes byhand and icemaking will resume.Keeping cubes distributed evenlywill allow the icemaker to produceenough ice to fill the bin to itsmaximum capacity.Under certain rare circumstances,ice cubes may be discolored,usually appearing with a ~n-bluish hue. The cause of thisunusual discoloration isapparently due to a combinationof factors such m certaincharacteristics of local waters,household plumbing and theaccurrndation of copper s~ts inan inactive water supply linewhich feeds the icemaker.Continued consumption of suchdiscolored ice cubes may beinjurious to heahh. If suchdiscoloration is observed, discardthe ice cubes md contact yourGE Factov Service Center or anauthorized Customer Care@Semicer.To Dispense Ice and Waterl For ice, set selector switch toCUBED or CRUSHED. For water,simply position glass beneath theword “WATER.”l Grip glass or other containergently near the rim and press rimfirmly against ice or waterdispenser cradle.Caution: Never put fingers orother objects into the icecrusher discharge opening.When Dispensing Ice...Some crushed ice may bedispensed even though youselected CUBED. This happensoccasionally when a few cubesaccidentally get channeled to thecrusher.Sometimes a mound of snow willform on the door in the ice chute.This condition is normal, andusually occurs when you havedispensed crushed ice repeatedly.The snow will eventuallyevaporate.When Dispensing Water...The water system providesapproximately six successive6-ounce glassfuls—after whichseveral hours must be allowed forreplenished water reservoir supplyto cool. You probably will notdrain all the water from thereservoir on a single occasion.The first glass of water dispensedmay be warmer than thefollowing ones. This is normal.Dispensed water is cool, not iced.For colder water, simply addcrushed ice or cubes beforedispensing water.7