49-7000197 Rev. 0Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSINSTALLATION - RECIRCULATINGDUCTWORK, WIRING LOCATIONSŶ'HWHUPLQHWKHH[DFWORFDWLRQRIWKHYHQWKRRGŶ/RFDWHWKHWHPSODWHSDFNHGZLWKWKHOLWHUDWXUHŶ0HDVXUHIURPWKHIORRUWRWKHWRSRIWKHFRRNLQJsurface. Add hood installation height determinedRQSDJHVDQG0DUNWKDWORFDWLRQŶ7DSHWKHWHPSODWHLQSRVLWLRQDORQJWKHSHQFLOHGline. CHECK TO BE SURE THE TEMPLATE ISLEVEL.Ŷ8VHDOHYHOWRGUDZDOLQHVWUDLJKWXSIURPWKHcenterline on the template to the ceiling.HOUSE WIRING LOCATION:Ŷ7KHMXQFWLRQER[LVORFDWHGRQWKHWRSOHIWVLGHRIthe hood.Ŷ:LULQJVKRXOGHQWHUWKHEDFNZDOODWOHDVW´above the bottom of the hood, and within 5” of thecenterline.STEP 1: INSTALL FRAMING FORHOOD SUPPORTIMPORTANT: Framing must be capable ofsupporting 100 lbs.If drywall is present, mark the screw hole locationsfor the top mounting brackets. Remove thetemplate.Ŷ&XWDZD\HQRXJKGU\ZDOOWRH[SRVHYHUWLFDOstuds at the bracket location indicated on thetemplate.Ŷ,QVWDOODKRUL]RQWDOVXSSRUWDWOHDVW´[´between two wall studs at the mounting screwlocation. The horizontal support must be flushwith the room side of the studs. Use cleatsbehind both sides of the support to secure to wallstuds.NOTE: 2 horizontal supports will be needed if thereis a stud located between the horizontal screwlocations (see figure).IMPORTANT: Reinstall drywall for an evenmounting surface.REAR WALLMOUNTING TEMPLATEVertical CenterlineALIGN BOTTOM EDGEWITH PENCIL LINEINDICATING BOTTOMOF THE HOOD11-7/16"Installation HeightHorizontal LineCLDRILL 2 (TWO) 3/16" PILOT HOLES THROUGH STUDS OR REAR WALL SUPPORT10-1/8"12-08 JR2"DRILL 2 (TWO) 3/16" PILOT HOLES THROUGH STUDS OR REAR WALL SUPPORT12-1/2"WALL VENT IS 27-3/4" MIN.ABOVE THE INSTALLATIONHEIGHT31-14772 Printed in MexicoCeilingHouse WiringLocationCL5”´Min.5” c enterline to wallView fromrear cleats1” x 12” min.mountingsupportCenterline ofinstallationspace