Installation Instructions[STEP 1] REMOVE PACKAGINGCAUTION: Relrigerator is much hea, ier at thetop than at the botton/ - be careflll when moxing.X4hen usim* a hand track, handle fl'om side onE.PRUDENCE:i,eplus lourd en haut qu'en bas. ll taut 6tre prudent lotsdes d_placements. Si tm diable est utilis_, il tautsoulexer le r_frig&'atetu _sur le c'6t_ seulement.• Careflflly cut banding at the top and bottom,reulove otlter carton.• Slide out back corner posts (2).• Slide carton off top of cabinet.NOTE: IT IS NOT NE(:ESSARY TO lAY CABINETDOWN IN ORDER TO REMOVE SKID!• The unit is secured to the skid with 4 slottedtie-down straps. Remove the four 5/16" boltsfl'om the base channels in the tie-downs.• Remoxe the fore" 7/16"bolts secm'ing the strapsto the skid.CAUTION:1,oNOSATTEMPT TO ROI,I,UNIT OFF SKID.RemoveTie Downs,/PRUDENCE:n,NEFAUT PAS ESSAYER DEFAIP,E ROUI,EP, I,EI)d_FI_,IGt_RATE/_,rl ). POURI/ENI,EVER DE I__YPA1,ETTE.• SuI)port blocks on the bottom of the refl'igerationcase must be removed befl_re the refl'igerator istaken off the skid or damage will occm'. Careflflly;tilt refl'igerator and slide blocks out from beneath.• Remove toekick, set aside fin" final installation.• I,itt the refl]gerator off the skid with an appliancedolly. Handle from the sides.[STEP 2] INSTALL WATER LINE• A cold water SUl_ply is required fin" automaticicemaker operation. The water pressure must bebetween 40 and 190 p.s.i.• Route l/4" OD COl)per or GE SmartConnect '_plastic tubing between house cold water line andthe water connection location.• Tubing should be long enough to extend to thefl'ont of the refl'igeratm: Allow enough tubing toaccommodate bend leading into the water lineconnection.NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing issuI)plied in the GE Sulart(_onnect TM Refl'igeratorTubing kits. Do not use any other plastic water sui_plyline because the line is trader pressure at all times.Other types of plastic mav crack or mptm'e with age_lll(1 Catlse water dalnage to VO/lI" houle.GE SmartCmmect "_Refl'igerator Tubing Kits areavailable in the fi_llowing lengths:2' (.6 m) WXO8XIO0026' (1.8 m) WXO8XIO00615' (4.6 m) X,_3XOSXIO01525' (7.6 m) X,_3XOSXlO025CopperTubingJShut off the main water supply.Turn on the nearest taucet long enough to clear theline of water.• Install a shut-off wflve between the icemaker watervalve and cold water pipe in a basement or cabinet.The shut-oft valve should be located where it willbe easily accessible,• Turn on the main water SUl)ply and flush debris.Rtm about a quart of water through the tubing intoa bucket. Shut off water sui)ply at the shut-off wflve.NOTE: Saddle tyi)e shut-off wflves are included inmany water sui)ply kits. Befln'e pro'chasing, makestu'e a saddle type wflve complies with yore" localphunbing codes.NOTE:Commonwealth of Massachusetts PhunbingCodes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflvesare illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts,Consult with votu" licensed phunber.11 PreviousNext |