38DGBFE96259-03.2016-DGb6| Commissioning6.9 Avoid slugging7.1 Preparation7| MaintenanceTo prevent slugging:The complete refrigeration plant must be properly designed.All components must be compatibly rated with each other with regard to output (particularly theevaporator and expansion valves).Suction gas superheating at the compressor input should be > 10 K (check the setting of theexpansion valve).Regard oil temperature and pressure gas temperature. (The pressure gas temperature has to behigh enough min. 50°C, so the oil temperature is > 30°C).The system must reach a state of equilibrium.Particularly in critical systems (e.g. several evaporator points), measures such as the use of liquidtraps, solenoid valve in the liquid line, etc. are recommended.There should be no movement of refrigerant in the compressor while the system is at astandstill.ATTENTION Slugging can result in damage to the compressor and causerefrigerant to leak.WARNING Before starting any work on the compressor:Switch off the compressor and secure it to prevent a restart.Relieve compressor of system pressure.Prevent air from infiltrating the system!After maintenance has been performed:Connect safety switch.Evacuate compressor.Release switch-on lock.WARNING The decompression has to be carried out in a way that no dry icerespectively solid CO2 is produced which blocks the outlet andcould hinder the streaming out of CO 2. Otherwise, there is thedanger that pressure can be built up again.6.10 Filter dryerGaseous CO 2 has a significantly lower solubility in water than other refrigerants. At low temperaturesit can therefore cause blocking of valves and filters due to ice or hydrate. For this reason we recom-mend the use of an adequately sized filter drier and a sight glass with a moisture indicator