G&G GmbH | RS 232C Interface 1812.2 RS232 Pinout (9-pin D-Sub)DE-9 plug pin-out (9-pin., male), as it is usuallyavailable at DTEDE-9 socket pin-out (9-pin., female), as it isusually available at DCEDTE - data terminal equipment (Terminals resp. computer)DCE - data circuit-terminating equipment (Balance)Signal Pin OriginAbbreviation Name Typical purpose DE-9 DTE (e.g. PC) DCE (e.g. Balance)RxD Receive Data Carries data from DCE to DTE. 2 Input OutputTxD Transmit Data Carries data from DTE to DCE. 3 Output InputGND Ground 5 - -12.3 Description of the data transferSymbols and composition of the data-/+ 2 bit Negative-sign, if the value is positive a space is transmitted.Data 7 bit Value for weight / decimal pointUnit 3 bit Weight unitCR 1 bit Carriage ReturnLF 1 bit Line FeedExample:The output-value: -12,345 kgOutput data, displayed as ASCII code-/+ Data UNIT CR LF- 1 2 . 3 4 5 g \r \n12.4 Remote control instructionsVia the RS232 data interface, the computer can control the balance with subsequent commands.If the transmit / device setting is 27 (27=1Bhex, default setting), the remote control commands are sent tothe balance by HEX-code:1B 70 (ACSII Code p): Send data (Print)1B 71 (ACSII Code q): calibration function is active (CAL - Key)1B 72 (ACSII Code r): Counting function is active1B 73 (ACSII Code s): Weighing unit selection1B 74 (ACSII Code t): Taring (TARE - Key)Drivers and software can be free downloaded on our homepage.www.gandg.de