104Detailed OperationRadarFault Message Description ActionHV An irregularity with the onboardhigh voltage power supply. It maybe hazardous to place the radar intransmit mode.Power off the radar. The radar needsservice.AFC The Automatic Frequency Controlis unable to lock on to the transmitfrequency. Radar performance willbe impaired and indicated returnintensity is not reliable.Power off the radar. The radar needsservice.TEMP The temperature is too high tosafely activate the radar transmitter.Power off the radar. Do not use theradar until its temperature falls andthe fault clears.XMITTER A problem is detected in the re-ceiver or transmitter. The unit maybe hazardous to use.Power off the radar. The radar needsservice.CALIBRATE A problem has been detected with theinternal factory-calibration settings.Power off the radar. The radar needsservice.CONFIG The configuration settings are cor-rupted or missing.Power off the radar. The radar needsservice.EEPROM or RAM A problem has been detected withthe internal memory.Turn the power off and then backon. If the message persists the radarneeds service.FPGA A problem has been detected withthe internal FPGA device.Turn the power off and then backon. If the message persists the radarneeds service.