Mode S Data TransmissionIn addition to 4096 code and pressure altitude, the GTX 328 is capable of transmittingaircraft identification, transponder capability and maximum speed range. “AircraftIdentification” is commonly referred to as FLT ID (Flight Identification). The GTX 328 maybe configured by the installer to allow the flight crew to enter FLT ID for each flight. Anexample is when air-carrier service requires changing the FLT ID.The FLT ID may consist of the aircraft registration or a flight number as agreed upon withthe local aviation authority. In either case, the FLT ID must be the same aircraft identificationthat appears in the flight plan to correlate the aircraft identification seen on ATC radar with thecorrect voice call sign for the aircraft. If no flight plan is filed with the aviation authority (asmay be permitted by regulations), the FLT ID entered is the aircraft registration marking.When flight crew entry of the FLT ID is not required, the installer configures thesystem to report the aircraft identification according to local aviation requirements. In thisconfiguration, alteration of the FLT ID by the flight crew is not possible.Entering a Flight ID NumberWhen configured for FLT ID PWR-UP ENTRY at installation, the flight crew must enterthe Flight ID before the GTX 328 will operate. After the flight crew enters the correct FlightID, the aircraft identification that is transmitted in response to ATC radar interrogations isproperly correlated with the associated call sign for voice communication with the aircraft.If the FLT ID PWR-UP ENTRY is required but does not appear at power up, contact aGarmin authorized service center for GTX 328 configuration.No space is needed when entering Flight ID characters. When a Flight ID contains aspace, the GTX 328 automatically removes the spaces upon completion of Flight ID entry.At system power-up the FLT ID mayappear with no number (as shown) or with thelast FLT ID entered. The cursor covers theentire FLT ID field.If the Flight ID appearing at turn-on iscorrect, press the CRSR Key to move the cursorto the “OK?” field. Press CRSR again to acceptthe FLT ID. The transponder then beginsnormal operation.When no FLT ID appears or the FLTID must be changed, press the number keyscorresponding to the alphanumeric characterentry. For example, to enter the letter “R” pressthe 5 Key four times.