0 Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualDog TrackingDog Information Page OptionsOn the Dog Information Page, press MENU to accessadditional dog information options.Stop (or Start) Tracking–stops (or starts) tracking thedog.Identify Dog Unit–causes the DC 30 red LED toblink rapidly for ten seconds and displays the softwareversion.Change Comm. Settings–allows you to assign a newID number (page 13) to a dog to avoid conflictingsignals and/or the rate of reporting (5, 10, or 30seconds).Transfer Dog Unit Track–transfers detailed tracksfrom the DC 30 to a computer (page 60).Delete Dog Unit Track–deletes the track log for thedog.•••••Change Dog Unit Type–allows you to identify thedog type so that the appropriate dog status symbolsare shown. Choose from Auto, Pointing Dog, TreeingDog, or Pet.Upgrade Dog Unit–downloads software upgrades tothe DC 30 (page 59).Tracking a DogRefer to the included Quick Start Guide to attach theDC 30 to your dog.Ensure that your compass is calibrated (page 5) and thatyou are holding the Astro 220 level.Tracking a dog on the Dog Tracker PageThe Dog Tracker page shows the direction and distanceof the dog from the Astro 220, and the activity status ofthe dog.••