Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualIndexIndexSymbols? symbol 11Aaccessories 41, 55accuracy, GPS 54active route 39adding dogs to the dog list 12addresses 22alarmsmarine 50alarm tones 38alertGPS lost 44lost communication 44on-point 44altimeter page 28zoom ranges 30altimeter settings 29altimeter setup 52anchor drag alarm 50area calculation 32auto calibration 52auto zoom 46averaging 16avoid 49Bbacklight level 4, 44backlight timeout 44barometer mode 52battery installation 2battery life 54battery type 43battery warnings ivbearing pointer 25below 46belt clip 2big numbersdog tracker page 12trip computer page 24Ccalculation method 49calculator 41calendar 41deleting locations 41calendar entry when found 49calibrating the altimeter 30calibrating the compass 5calibration setup 51change comm. settings 10, 13change data fieldsaltimeter 30map page 18trip computer page 25change dog unit type 10change reference 20charging the DC 30 4cityfinding 21cleaning 60colordog pointer 11track 31color scheme 44communicating with the DC30 8compasscalibrating 5compass page 25calibrating the compass 5compass settingschanging 26highway page 37conflicting dog signals 12course pointer 25Ddata card storage information 58data fieldscompass 27map page 18daylight saving time 50delete dog unit track 10DEM maps 33detail 46detailed maps 22, 56display mode 44display setup 44distancemeasuring 18distance/speed 50dog alerts 44dog info page 44dog information page 9dog list setup 43dog status 11dog tracker page 8dog tracking 8