Astro Dog Tracking System Owner’s ManualGetting StartedCalibrating the Astro 220 CompassCalibrate the Astro 220 electronic compass the firsttime you use it, after periods of storage, after you installnew batteries, or when the unit has been exposed totemperature changes of greater than 20°F (11°C).Calibrate the compass outdoors. Hold the compass leveland away from objects that generate magnetic fields, suchas cars or buildings.To calibrate the electronic compass:1. On the Dog Tracker page (page 4), press MENU.2. Select Calibrate Compass, and press ENTER.3. Select Start, press ENTER, and follow the on-screendirections.Hold the unitlevel and turnslowly.“Just Right,” “Too Fast,” or “Too Slow” appears,notifying you to adjust your turning speed. Hold theunit level while turning.When “Calibration Successful” appears, pressENTER.If “Calibration Failed” appears, repeat the process.Operating the Astro 220The following terms are used throughout this manual:Select–move the highlighted area on the screen up, down,left, or right with the Rocker to select individual fields.Field–the location on a page where data or an option canbe shown and entered. A highlighted field appears yellow.on-screen button–an option on the screen. Use theRocker to select a button, and press ENtER.Scroll bar–a bar that appears on the right side of a listthat is too long to fit on the screen. Use the Rocker toscroll through a list. Press IN or oUt to scroll a set ofitems.•••