0 Oregon Series Owner’s ManualApplicationsCompass PageThe Compass page guides you to yourdestination by displaying a compass anda bearing pointer.It also provides navigation data such ascurrent speed, distance to the next pointon the route, and estimated arrival time.The electronic compass (Oregon 300,400t, 400c, and 400i) is similar toa magnetic compass when you arestationary or walking. If you maintaina higher speed, such as traveling inautomobile, the compass uses GPSsignals to determine your direction. Toturn the electronic compass off, seepage 28.To open the Compass page, touchCompass.Hold the compass level when navigatingto ensure maximum accuracy.Bearing and Course PointersThe Oregon can use either a bearingor course pointer on the compass. Thebearing pointer indicates the direction toyour destination, and the course pointerindicates your relationship to a courseline leading to the destination. To selecta bearing or course pointer, see page 28.Bearing PointerBearing todestinationDirection youare currentlytravelingThe bearing pointer points to yourdestination, regardless of the directionyou are moving. If the bearing pointerpoints toward the top of the compass,you are traveling directly towardyour destination. If it points any other