Oregon Series Owner’s Manual Customizing the OregonAltimeter SetupOn the Main Menu, touch Setup >Altimeter.Auto Calibration—allow the altimeterto self-calibrate each time you turn theOregon on.Barometer Mode—select VariableElevation (used when moving) orFixed Elevation (used when stationary,allowing the altimeter to function as astandard barometer).Pressure Trending—select when thepressure data is recorded. Touch SaveAlways to record pressure data every15 minutes, even when the Oregon isturned off. Touch Save When Power Onto record data only when the Oregon isturned on. This can be useful when youare watching for pressure fronts.Plot Type—select the elevation plottype:Elevation/Time—records elevation•changes over a period of time.Elevation/Distance—recordselevation changes over a distance.Barometric Pressure—recordsbarometric pressure over a period oftime.Ambient Pressure—records ambientpressure changes over a period oftime.To manually calibrate the altimeter:1. Go to a location where you know theelevation or the barometric pressure.2. On the Main Menu, touch Setup> Altimeter > Press To BeginAltimeter Calibration.3. Touch Yes if you know the elevation,touch No > Yes if you know thebarometric pressure.4. Enter the elevation or barometricpressure, and then touch .•••