Dakota Series Owner’s Manual 9Basic NavigationUsing the CompassThe Compass page guides you toyour destination by displaying acompass and a bearing pointer.It also provides navigation data suchas current speed, distance to the nextpoint on the route, and estimatedarrival time.The electronic compass is similarto a magnetic compass when youare stationary or walking. If youmaintain a higher speed, suchas traveling in an automobile,the compass uses GPS signals todetermine your direction. To turn theelectronic compass off, see page 28.To open the Compass page:Touch Compass.Calibrating the CompassNoTe: The electronic compass isunavailable with the Dakota 10.Calibrate the electronic compassoutdoors. Do not stand near objectsthat influence magnetic fields, suchas cars, buildings, or overhead powerlines.Calibrate the compass after movinglong distances, experiencingtemperature changes greater than20°F (11°C), or changing thebatteries.