Dakota Series Owner’s Manual 11Basic NavigationThe bearing pointer points toyour destination, regardless of thedirection you are moving. If thebearing pointer points toward thetop of the compass, you are travelingdirectly toward your destination. Ifit points any other direction, turntoward that direction until the arrowis pointing toward the top of thecompass.Course PointerBearing todestinationDirection youare currentlytravelingCourse line todestinationScaleCourse deviationindicatorThe course pointer provides anindication of drift (right or left)according to the scale shown at theedge of the compass ring. The scalerefers to the distance between dotson the course deviation indicator.The course line to your destination isbased on your original starting point.Move back to the “course line todestination” to compensate fordeviation and to get back on course.This is most useful if you arenavigating on water or where thereare no major obstacles in your path.It also helps you avoid hazards toeither side of the course, such asshoals or submerged rocks.To change the Compass pagedata fields:1. On the Compass page, touch adata field.2. Touch a data type.