Fishfinder 340C Owner’s ManualInstAllIng the fIshfInder 340c > InstAllIng the WIrIng hArnessThe Fishfinder 340C can be connected to another piece of NMEAcompatible electronic equipment, such as a Garmin GPS (GlobalPositioning System) device. If equipped with a capable transducer,the Fishfinder 340C can send depth, temperature, and speedinformation. It can also mark a location that can be viewed andpossibly saved on another device (see page 41). The Fishfinder340C can also accept GPS navigational data, such as position, time,course, or distance. Refer to the wiring diagrams for interfacing theFishfinder 340C with other devices (see pages 17 and 19).To install the wiring harness to a GPS or other NMEAdevice:1. Follow the voltage source installation steps (see page 15).For Garmin units, the ground (Black) wires serve as dataground and must be attached together or on the sameterminal. Refer to the wiring diagram of your GPS unit forwire identification.2. Connect the Blue (Data OUT) wire from the Fishfinder to theData IN wire on the GPS/NMEA harness.3. Connect the Brown (Data IN) wire from the Fishfinder to theData OUT wire on the GPS/NMEA harness.4. Set the Fishfinder 340C NMEA Input/Output to On(page 32). For Garmin GPS units, set the communicationsinterface to NMEA/NMEA, NMEA In/NMEA Out, or NMEA.Interfacing with NMEAThe Fishfinder 340C allows for NMEA 0183, Version 3.01input/output with a compatible GPS or navigation device. You mustset NmEA Input/Output to On to send or receive data (page 32).The following sentences are for NMEA 0183, Version 3.01:Input—GPBOD, GPBWC (only used if RMB is not present),GPGGA, GPGLL (only used if GGA not present), GPRMB,GPRMC, GPXTE (only used if RMB is not present).Output—SDDBT, SDDPT, SDMTW, SDVHW, SDWPL* (only ifa waypoint is marked in Pointer mode).*Garmin GPS units accept an SDWPL (WPL) NMEA sentence and create awaypoint (saved location) at that position (page 40). For compatibility withother brands of GPS or NMEA capable navigation devices, check with thosemanufacturers to see if their units accept and store NMEA 0183 SDWPL sentencesand waypoints. The Fishfinder 340C does not store the actual waypoint. Only thereceiving device, if capable, stores the waypoint.You can purchase complete information about National MarineElectronics Association (NMEA) format and sentences fromNMEA at:NMEASeven Riggs AvenueSeverna Park, MD 21146