190-01115-01 G3X/G3X Touch Installation Manual - Connector Installation InstructionsRev. AC Page 24-424.3 Jackscrew Configuration Module Installation into a Jackscrew BackshellTable 24-2 & Table 24-3 list parts needed to install a Jackscrew Configuration Module with pins or withsockets. Parts for these installations are included in the 011-00979-20 and 011-00979-22 kits, which areincluded in the G3X w/GSU 73 Installation Kit (K10-00017-00).Configuration modules are to be installed in the backshells of the P732 connector for the GSU 73 (use011-00979-20 in Table 24-2), the P3701 connector for GDU 37X designated as PFD1 (use 011-00979-22in Table 24-3), or the P4X02 connector for the GDU 4XX designated as PFD1 (use 010-12553-00 inTable 24-4)Item numbers in Table 24-2, Table 24-3, and Table 24-4 correspond to Figure 24-4 and Figure 24-5.Table 24-2 GPN: 011-00979-20 – Kit (w/EEPROM and pins)Item # Description Qty. Needed GPN or MIL spec1 Potted Module (w/EEPROM andTemp.sensor) 1 011-02179-003 4 cond. Cable harness 1 325-00122-004 Pins Size 22D 4 336-00021-0010 Pan head screw 1 211-60232-07Table 24-3 GPN: 011-00979-22 – Kit (w/EEPROM and sockets)Item # Description Qty. Needed GPN or MIL spec1 Potted Module (w/EEPROM andTemp.sensor) 1 011-02179-003 4 cond. Cable harness 1 325-00122-009 Socket, Size 20, 26-30 AWG 4 336-00022-0110 Pan head screw 1 211-60232-07Table 24-4 GPN: 010-12253-00 – Config Module (w/EEPROM, Temp, & Connext)Item # Description Qty. Needed GPN or MIL spec1 Config Module (w/Sockets,Jackscrew, Temp, Connext) 1 011-03702-003 4 cond. Cable harness 1 325-00122-009 Socket, Size 20, 26-30 AWG 5 336-00022-0110 Pan head screw 1 211-60232-07